Sponsoring some of Dallas’ most popular live events
The Observer has rolled out some of the city’s best live events, including its massively popular St. Patrick’s Day Concert and the Dallas Observer Brewfest, where thousands of attendees sample more than 400 beers from around the globe as well as live music and food from local vendors.
The Observer’s early embrace of the web allowed it to develop an online audience. Today its annual Top 100 lists of Big D’s best restaurants and bars are a definitive recommendation engine for locals and tourists alike, and dallasobserver.com draws more than 1 million monthly active users while, every Thursday, 42,000 print copies land on newsstands around the city — and disappear within hours.
The Observer has also rolled out some of the city’s best live events, including its massively popular Dallas Observer Brewfest, where thousands of attendees sample more than 400 beers from around the globe as well as live music and food from local vendors.